Hello, my name is Marc Baqués Sàbat, and this is the first of a series of blogs I’m excited to share with you.

This blog is a space for us to learn and grow together. Sometimes, we’ll explore Unity and their new versions or preview features. Other times, we’ll dive into technologies I’m learning, like Git hooks, keyboard layout distributions, or even simple setup for projects.

I’d love for this to be a space where we can all share our knowledge and learn from each other. If you have something to contribute, please feel free to comment.

I don’t consider myself a senior, and most of my current knowledge is self-taught or learned during my professional work, which you can see in my curriculum. So, I may not know some basics of the technologies I’m writing about, but I’m really excited to share my point of view, and I’m open to learning new things.

I just ask that we all be respectful to each other.